I love fashion blogs, they give me inspiration to have fun with my fashion pieces. To name a few,
The Sartorialist who started the trend of taking photographs of fashion trendy's all over New York and Paris and have since than grabbed a whole new audience replicating what he started. Another fun blog is
Doe Deere Blogmagazine, she is so beautiful, her line of Lime Crime makeup is so trendy, from glimmering shadows to instructions on how to grab those fantastic makeup applications she puts together. It's makeup art! My latest find of really fabulous fashion blogs is
Kingdom of Style, Cute and artistic fashion trends from clothes, accessories to trendy decorating finds. I think the photography on her site is beautiful too, images I'd like to learn to capture on my camera, though I am trying it's sites like hers that give me inspiration to keep trying. Another popular channel of blogs I'm into is
Jack and Jill, who keeps me updated on the latest yet most trendy of shoe and fashion craze among the designers and models. Finally, the last one I just started tuning into this week is
Fashiontoast and what I love about it is her expression of fashion is innovated.