Thursday, July 30, 2009


Anna Sui black and blue sequin Dress with....
Marc Jacobs sequin purse... $1,995? Really? It's a mouth watering purse to look at.... I'd pair it with these boots by Krisvanassche.

I love the grunge boot, always have...since my high school Doc Marten days. This I would pair up with the most elegant sweater and leggings or short lose fitting elegant dress. You got to have some love for the European designers...

Without doubt Louis Vutton's BOOTS in first picture would make this a lady killer outfit....
lets take that dress the model is wearing out to burn though....or get rid of the bra, that's probably what's killing that dress.


A "cheery" disposition said...

want that purse!

Michael St. James said...

that Marc Jacobs bag is a work of art! LOVE the fact that you would pair it with grunge boots. Thanks for sharing. Awesome blog!

Unknown said...

are those doc martens? i'm on the search for a pair of grunge boots, that i can lace up to maybe mid calf but that also can fold over. any suggestions? thanks!

Unknown said...

yaaaaww!!! where can i find this amazing boots? from which lebel are they? it will be great if someone could answer to this questions so that i can find this perfect boots!!! thanks...

peace & love